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Contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris

 Surat lamaran kerja dalam bahasa Inggris disebut "Job Application Letter" atau "Cover Letter".

Job Application Letter adalah surat formal yang dikirim oleh seorang pelamar pekerjaan kepada perusahaan atau organisasi yang menyatakan minat dan kualifikasi pelamar terhadap posisi pekerjaan yang sedang dibuka. Surat ini umumnya disertakan bersama dengan resume/CV (Curriculum Vitae) sebagai bagian dari dokumen lamaran pekerjaan.

Fungsi utama dari Job Application Letter adalah untuk memberikan informasi lebih rinci tentang kualifikasi, pengalaman, dan motivasi pelamar yang tidak selalu tercakup dalam resume. Surat ini juga dapat digunakan untuk menyoroti keahlian atau prestasi tertentu yang relevan dengan posisi yang dilamar.

Struktur umum dari Job Application Letter mencakup:

Pengenalan: Memperkenalkan diri dan menyebutkan posisi yang dilamar.

Pengalaman dan Kualifikasi: Menyajikan informasi tentang pendidikan, pengalaman kerja, dan keterampilan yang relevan.

Motivasi: Menjelaskan alasan tertarik dengan posisi tersebut dan mengapa pelamar cocok untuk pekerjaan tersebut.

Penutup: Menyatakan rasa terima kasih atas pertimbangan, mengundang perusahaan untuk menghubungi pelamar, dan menyertakan informasi kontak.

Surat lamaran kerja (Job Application Letter) memiliki peran penting dalam proses seleksi karena memberikan kesempatan bagi pelamar untuk menarik perhatian pihak perekrut dan membuktikan kesesuaian mereka dengan posisi pekerjaan yang diinginkan.

Berikut adalah contoh surat lamaran kerja dalam bahasa Inggris:

Contoh 1

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Phone Number]

[Today's Date]

[Recipient's Name]

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] as advertised on [Job Portal/Company Website]. With a strong background in [relevant field/industry], I am excited to express my keen interest in contributing my skills and expertise to your esteemed organization.

I hold a [Degree/Qualification] in [Your Field of Study] from [University Name], where I developed a solid foundation in [key skills/subjects relevant to the job]. Over the past [number of years] years, I have gained valuable experience at [Previous Company/Organization], where I was responsible for [mention key responsibilities and achievements].

Throughout my career, I have demonstrated exceptional [skills relevant to the job], as well as the ability to [mention any specific achievements or projects]. I am passionate about [mention a specific aspect of the industry/company] and believe that my enthusiasm and dedication align perfectly with the values upheld by [Company Name].

I am impressed by [Company Name]'s commitment to innovation and its strong reputation in the industry. I believe that joining your team will provide an excellent platform for me to further develop my skills and contribute to the success of [Company Name].

Thank you for considering my application. I have attached my resume/CV, which provides further details about my qualifications and experiences. I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience and look forward to discussing how my skills and experiences can benefit [Company Name].


[Your Name]

[Your Signature - If it's a physical letter]

Note: Pastikan untuk mengganti bagian dalam tanda kurung [...] dengan informasi pribadi dan relevan Anda sendiri. Juga, pastikan untuk menyesuaikan surat lamaran sesuai dengan posisi pekerjaan yang Anda lamar dan perusahaan yang dituju.

Contoh 2

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Phone Number]

[Today's Date]

[Recipient's Name]

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], as advertised on [Job Portal/Company Website]. With a strong background in [Your Field/Industry] and a passion for [mention relevant aspects of the industry/company], I am excited to contribute my skills and experience to your esteemed organization.

I graduated with a [Degree/Qualification] in [Your Field of Study] from [University Name], where I honed my expertise in [mention key skills or subjects relevant to the job]. During my academic journey, I actively engaged in [mention any relevant extracurricular activities or projects] to further develop my knowledge and practical skills.

Over the past [number of years], I have gained valuable experience at [Previous Company/Organization], where I had the opportunity to [mention key responsibilities and achievements]. I successfully [mention any significant accomplishments or projects] which further solidified my passion for [industry/company name].

I am particularly drawn to [Company Name] for its commitment to [mention specific values or achievements], which align perfectly with my own professional goals. I believe that my strong work ethic, attention to detail, and ability to thrive in a dynamic environment would make me a valuable addition to your team.

Enclosed is my updated resume/CV, which provides a comprehensive overview of my qualifications. I would welcome the opportunity to further discuss my potential contributions to [Company Name] in an interview. Please find my contact details below, and I am available at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to contribute my skills and enthusiasm to [Company Name] and look forward to the possibility of joining your team.


[Your Name]

[Your Signature - If it's a physical letter]

Note: Pastikan untuk mengganti bagian dalam tanda kurung [...] dengan informasi pribadi dan relevan Anda sendiri. Juga, pastikan untuk menyesuaikan surat lamaran sesuai dengan posisi pekerjaan yang Anda lamar dan perusahaan yang dituju.

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