Demxntia ocean of stars lirik
Demxntia ocean of stars lirik -
Ocean of Stars
With an ocean full of stars I wonder which one you are
I always felt so close to you even though we're always so far
Apart, and my heart it drowns at the thought of us not together
Like I'm under the weather, how you got me fallin' like a feather
In an ocean full of stars
You're always on my mind no matter where you are
And you know that I'll always be carryin' your heart
Everywhere so you and I will never be apart
Because you
Got everything I need you know it's true
Maybe I can show you somethin' new
It's funny because you haven't got a clue
That lately I been feelin' you
When the sun is down you'll rest your head upon my chest
I always see you as a treasure girl you got me obsessed (got me obsessed, ayy)
You take away the demons every time I feel depressed
And I know that I ain't perfect but I'm tryin' my best (tryin' my best)
To be the one for you
And everything you need you know it's true
And maybe you can show me somethin' new
It's funny because I haven't got a clue
That lately I been feelin' you
With an ocean full of stars I wonder which one you are
I always felt so close to you even though we're always so far
Apart, and my heart it drowns at the thought of us not together
Like I'm under the weather, how you got me fallin' like a feather
Into an ocean full of stars
You're always on my mind no matter where you are
And you know that I'll always be carryin' your heart
Everywhere so you and I will never be apart
With an ocean full of stars I wonder which one you are
I always felt so close to you even though we're always so far
Apart, and my heart it drowns at the thought of us not together
Like I'm under the weather, how you got me fallin' like a feather
Into an ocean full of stars
You're always on my mind no matter where you are
And you know that I'll always be carryin' your heart
Everywhere so you and I will never be apart
With feelins' left unsaid, I lie awake in bed
You know I'm always overthinkin' always stuck inside my head
I'm always scared of growin' close but I still talk to you instead
Of never looking forward to whatever lies ahead
With feelins' left unsaid, I lie awake in bed
You know I'm always overthinkin' I'm just stuck inside my head
Like I'm trapped within a maze, help me find a way
Because I been feelin' lost for days I wanna fade away
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With Thoughts of You and I
She knows
it kills me
Into an ocean full of stars I wonder which one you are
I always felt so close to you even though we're always so far
Apart, and my heart it drowns at the thought of us not together
Like I'm under the weather, how you got me fallin' like a feather
Into an ocean full of stars
You're always on my mind no matter where you are
And you know that I'll always be carryin' your heart
Everywhere so you and I will never be apart
Into an ocean full of stars I wonder which one you are
I always felt so close to you even though we're always so far
Apart, and my heart it drowns at the thought of us not together
Like I'm under the weather, how you got me fallin' like a feather
Into an ocean full of stars
You're always on my mind no matter where you are
And you know that I'll always be carryin' your heart
Everywhere so you and I will never be apart
With feelins' left unsaid, I lie awake in bed
You know I'm always overthinkin' always stuck inside my head
I'm always scared of growin' close but I still talk to you instead
Of never looking forward to whatever lies ahead
With feelins' left unsaid, I lie awake in bed
You know I'm always overthinkin' I'm just stuck inside my head
Like I'm trapped within a maze, help me find a way
Because I been feelin' lost for days I wanna fade away
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Minh Ta
"Dementia Ocean of Stars" is a song by the artist DEMXNTIA, and like many songs, its meaning can be open to interpretation.
One possible interpretation is that the song is about feeling lost or adrift in a vast and confusing world. The "dementia" in the title could represent a sense of confusion or disorientation, while the "ocean of stars" could symbolize the vastness and complexity of the universe or of one's own mind.
The lyrics of the song also speak to themes of loneliness, isolation, and searching for meaning in a seemingly meaningless world. The repetition of the phrase "Lost in space" could represent a feeling of being disconnected from the world around us and struggling to find our place within it.
Overall, the song seems to explore the themes of existentialism and the human condition, and how we navigate the often overwhelming and confusing nature of existence.
( "Dementia Ocean of Stars" adalah lagu dari artis DEMXNTIA, dan seperti banyak lagu lainnya, artinya bisa terbuka untuk interpretasi.
Salah satu interpretasi yang mungkin adalah bahwa lagu tersebut tentang perasaan tersesat atau terombang-ambing di dunia yang luas dan membingungkan. "Demensia" dalam judul tersebut dapat mewakili rasa bingung atau disorientasi, sedangkan "samudera bintang" dapat melambangkan luasnya dan kompleksitas alam semesta atau pikiran seseorang.
Lirik lagu tersebut juga berbicara tentang tema kesepian, keterasingan, dan pencarian makna di dunia yang tampaknya tidak berarti. Pengulangan frasa "Tersesat di luar angkasa" bisa mewakili perasaan terputus dari dunia sekitar kita dan berjuang untuk menemukan tempat kita di dalamnya.
Secara keseluruhan, lagu tersebut tampaknya mengeksplorasi tema eksistensialisme dan kondisi manusia, dan bagaimana kita menavigasi sifat keberadaan yang seringkali membingungkan dan membingungkan.)
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